International Disaster Response updates, March 28, 2011 - HOPE worldwide
HOPE worldwide is appreciative to many partners and supporters that have come forward asking of what we can all do to help save the lives of people living in troubled time due to natural disasters and man-made disasters.
Victims are staying in shelters in the winter temperatures as 18,649 houses are reported to be destroyed and another 116,835 houses damaged as reported by IFRC. Efforts to provide assistance has been limited the damages in the Fukushima nuclear power plant where radiations are taking place. Time is limited as many are still trying to survive with limited supplies, uncertain future, and possible worse nuclear radiation impact.
HOPE worldwide Japan has taken action by mobilizing volunteers in delivering some assistance in food, water, and shelter. The need is great as the country is also in fear and buying the already limited supplies of food, water, and basic necessities.